No matter your opinion on Project Claudia- the Toronto dispensary raids from this past week, we most likely all agree that safe patient access is paramount.
Unlike Vancouver and Victoria in British Columbia, Toronto does have a regulatory framework for it’s dispensaries. And as you might know, the federal regulatory framework (MMPR) does not account for dispensaries. Thus the Toronto dispensaries are in a legal limbo which isn’t necessarily grey. So we had perfect timing with the Lift Cannabis Expo Roots panel recorded live last week just after the raids. We discussed BCCCS’s upstart, MMAR (Marijuana Medical Access Regulations) and MMPR (Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations). We also discussed the upcoming re-write of MMPR in August, what to make of the raids, and what how to take action in support of legal cannabis in Canada. Special thanks to David Brown at Lift for pulling the whole thing together. And as a bonus, Jeannette Ward opens with an MCBA update.